BLIK currency exchange is now available

With the convenience of our customers, we have introduced the option of purchasing currency using a new payment method - BLIK.
Thanks to this solution, customers no longer have to transfer funds to the account of Kantor Walutowy or top up with a credit or debit card. When buying currency in Kantor, just select the option "BLIK - payment from another bank's account" in the "Pay with" field, enter the BLIK code generated in the bank's application and confirm the operation. The purchased currency will be on your account in a few seconds.

Most importantly, the service is completely free.

BLIK is growing year by year, gaining a strong position on the cashless payment market. At the beginning of 2023, it was already used by 13.5 million people. In Alior Bank alone, we completed nearly 14 million BLIK transactions in the second quarter. Compared to last year, this is an increase of 38 percent. We anticipate that the interest in this payment method will only grow, which is why we have decided to introduce the option of quick currency exchange also via BLIK to the functionality of Kantor Walutowy. We hope that this will contribute to even greater satisfaction of our customers and will make it easier for them to use our services - says Zbigniew Zamara, FX Transaction Platform Manager at Alior Bank.

Also read: Quick top-up at Kantor Walutowy

The BLIK Currency Exchange Service is available to Individual and Business Customers of Alior Bank's Kantor Walutowy and enables the execution of a BLIK Exchange Transaction, which consists in paying for the purchase of currency at the Walutowy Kantor, using the BLIK payment method. The Bank does not charge fees for the service. In the case of Individual Customers In order to use the BLIK currency exchange service, before performing the first BLIK Exchange Transaction, you must agree to enable this service and accept the "Regulamin korzystania z usługi Wymiana walut BLIK w Kantorze Walutowym Alior Bank S.A." These regulations define the detailed rules for using the BLIK Currency Exchange service. Term of use is available on the Kantor Walutowy webpage in the Documentation tab. In the case of Business Customers, the rules of operation of the service are set out in the "Regulamin Kantoru Walutowego dla Przedsiębiorców i Innych Podmiotów", available on the Kantor Walutowy webpage  in the Documentation tab.