Additional benefits of multi-currency card:

Available mobile payments

You can add a multi-currency card to Apple Pay, Google Pay, Garmin Pay, Fitbit Pay, SwatchPAY! and pay with your phone/watche.


Secure shopping in online stores

Your online payings with a multi-currency card are protected via 3D-Secure service


the possibility of receiving a refund if you paid for the goods / service with a multi-currency card, and the service provider did not comply with the contract, or the received goods is inconsistent with the description. Based on the complaint procedure, the Bank may assert your claims against the other party to the transaction


Cash withdrawals

Cash withdrawals from ATMs around the world. The first withdrawal in a month always for free. Second and subsequent in a given month in accordance with the  Taryfa Opłat, Prowizji i Oprocentowania Kantoru Walutowego for Individual clients.