SMS codes
SMS codes are a convenient and safe way to authorize transactions at Kantor Walutowy. The codes are sent to the telephone number indicated by you when completing the application or when signing the contract at the branch. In Kantor Walutowy, one code is used to authorize one specific operation or group of transactions for which it was generated, which ensures maximum protection and security of funds. The content of the SMS code contains information about the operation for which it was generated, so remember to always pay attention to the content of the SMS and compare it with the data of your transaction. In the Kantor Walutowy system, authorization is required for operations related to the outflow of funds from your account, i.e. domestic transfers, defining the recipient, and operations related to security: logging in, activating a payment card, changing the card PIN, changing the telephone number for SMS codes.
Masked password
When logging in to Kantor Walutowy, a masked password is used. Kantor Walutowy requires you to enter selected characters from the password, which protects it against being intercepted by spyware, therefore even if someone suspects the characters you enter, they will still be unable to log in to your account, because Kantor Walutowy requires different characters each time . When logging in, enter the corresponding characters from the password in the next active fields, e.g. if your password is "Alior", and the first and fourth fields are active, then you should enter the letters: "A" and "o".
Masking a trusted phone number
In order to increase the security of transactions carried out in Kantor Walutowy, masking of the trusted telephone number was introduced in the settings of notifications about events on accounts and cards and in the settings of SMS codes.
Safety picture
The image you choose is presented each time you log in to Kantor Walutowy (after entering the ID and before entering the password). Since you choose this image yourself, it makes it easier for you to recognize that the page you are logging in to is the real login page of Kantor Walutowy, and not a page substituted to intercept data. Remember to check whether the image you have selected before entering your password is displayed before entering your password. In the absence of an image or a display other than the one selected by you, stop logging in and contact our helpline (at 19 502) or a branch. To select or change a picture, go to Profile, "Settings", and then select the "Settings" tab. In the "Security image" line, click "Change" and select an image.
The image you choose will be presented each time you log in to Kantor Walutowy, after entering your ID.
Safety certificate
The connection between the Customer's computer and the Bank's server is encrypted with the TLS protocol, as evidenced by the prefix https:// at the beginning of the Internet address. Encryption ensures that your data is protected against possible interception by third parties.
The website certificate is confirmed for Alior Bank S.A. by DigiCert Inc. Thanks to this, you are guaranteed that the website you are logging in to belongs to the institution for which the certificate was issued.
Certificate verification consists in checking several basic data:
- for whom the certificate is issued - should read: ", Alior Bank SA",
- who is the issuer of the certificate - it should be: "DigiCert Global CA G2",
- whether the validity date of the certificate has not expired,
- what is the path / hierarchy of the certificate - it should be: "DigiCert Global Root G2 >> DigiCert Global CA G2 >>".
Remember to always check the certificate before logging in to Kantor Walutowy. If the data in any of the points is not correct, stop the login process and contact our helpline (at 19 502) or branch.
For the safety of your funds, we recommend that you set up notifications that you can receive as an SMS to your mobile phone or as an email to your email address. In order to set notifications, go to Profile, "Settings", and then select the "Notification settings" tab. You will be able to choose what types of events and how you want to receive them.
Automatic logout
If no activity on the logged in account is detected on the side of Kantor Walutowy, the system will be automatically logged out within 5 minutes.